Monday, October 29, 2007
Random stories that don't relate
1. I was one of the community colleges this week helping with a ministry table. Right away, there was a gal on the outskirts seemingly interested but hanging back a bit. I went over to talk to her and after several questions found out that she grew up in an atheist home but a couple of years ago felt that there was a God and that she wanted to know Him. She was reading about several religions but thought Christianity made sense to her but she wasn't sure she understood who Christ was fully.
I did not waste time and asked her if she would like to hear about the gospel and she could tell me what she thought. She heard and we are continuing to discuss who Christ is by reading through John. Pray that she will continue to grow in her interest in Christ as her Savior. I've emailed her and waiting to hear back from her.
2. Been a little preoccupied with the World Series this past week (but not as much as I could have been if the Cubs were in it). A hearty congrats to the Red Sox fans out there although I was rooting for the Rockies.
As a tribute to the world series being played, I decided to dress up as a woman American League Baseball player for the costume party I went to. One lady at the party was so impressed with the costume. "You look just like a Rockford Peach!" BUT I didn't win the prize, but it was fun.
3. I realized although it felt like I didn't get a lot accomplished, it was nice to know that hard work for the future of our region was set into motion and rewarding to see how the Lord may use it.
4. Saturday explored a neighbohood a mile from where I live. It was a beautiful fall day with lots of sun, brisk breeze, and it felt like a true autumn day. Beautiful views of Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams too.
5. Met a friend face-to-face for the first time even though I've known her for 3 years. We first met while I was doing long-distance ministry. While doing her student teaching, she volunteered to reach a neighboring college community. We've been friends ever since. She is here in Portland for 2 months which gave me the opportunity to finally put a face with a name. It is a nice gift to have her and her roommate here.
6. Had a great time hearing from missionaries from the Middle East and India yesterday. Always enjoy hearing what the Lord is doing and how He is being revealed all over the world.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Upper Latourell Falls

This is the view that Hailey and I had on Saturday as we hiked the trail by the Lower and Upper Latourell Falls. I was more impressed by the Upper falls with its ribbon appearance.
On the hike we saw some amazing things in the midst of the rainy day. There were these beetles that had shiny, almost ruby like backs. Hailey said it looked like a Christmas tree lightbulb. I've never seen anything quite like it. There were some enormous tree trunks and the best gift of all was at the Upper waterfall itself.
Hailey and I were about to move on when a blue heron soared over our heads towards the fall and stood there. After a while it started inching its way towards the area where the falls were crashing. It spread its wings and flew straight into the falls and back behind where we could no longer see it. We were trying to figure out if it saw food or it was just curious. Regardless, it was a beautiful sight!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Trains on the Brain
This summer I went to the Railroad Museum in Monon, Indiana. There is a restaurant which has trains, of course, running on tracks above you.
This Saturday, I went to the library and picked out a book to read called Nothing Like It in the World by Stephen Ambrose. It is all about the Transcontinental railroad. I truly find it fascinating how the civil war and the theme of unifiying the nation shaped how the railroad came into being.
So, I guess I have trains on the brain.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
A new word
“There is a word you may not know or, if you do, likely never use: synecdoche. Synecdoche (pronounced si-neck-dah-key with the emphasis on the neck sound) is a technical literary term. It means when a single part of some large, complex system stands for the whole: when ‘the crown’ stands for the entire tradition and history of royalty, or ‘the flag’ for all the complex
layers of patriotism, or ‘the cloth’ for the practice and personnel of ordained ministry, or ‘Nam’ for the whole experience, the blood and madness, of the Vietnam War. When a word or image functions in this way, it’s synecdochic." (by Mark Buchanan)
Finally Got It!
But one thing I do know. I'm glad I finally got it.