Sunday, June 24, 2007
Going to church...
Today, I'm going to a Latino church in Fort Collins. One of the best parts of my travels is to experience several churches who have one thing in common and that is to worship God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
Sometimes, I confess I do struggle with having to figure out what church to go to; however, I have gained a greater understanding of the Body of Christ and how each "building" of believers expresses who Christ is in the context of the body of believers.
I am grateful that we are One Body in Christ.
I'm sure today, I may not understand everything in the sermon for it will all be in Spanish, but I'm looking forward to worshiping with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sometimes, I confess I do struggle with having to figure out what church to go to; however, I have gained a greater understanding of the Body of Christ and how each "building" of believers expresses who Christ is in the context of the body of believers.
I am grateful that we are One Body in Christ.
I'm sure today, I may not understand everything in the sermon for it will all be in Spanish, but I'm looking forward to worshiping with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Classes began today
Had our first classes today. I met all the gals I'll be coaching. I'll be coaching 6 women in very different life stages which will be fun for me actually. We get to hang out with their kids as we meet sometimes. Have some from the Southeast, Oklahoma/Arkansas, Northeast, and the Northwest.
Colorado is beautiful as always and I saw the coolest sunset at Coors field watching the Rockies pummel the Tampa Bay Devilrays this past weekend.
Colorado is beautiful as always and I saw the coolest sunset at Coors field watching the Rockies pummel the Tampa Bay Devilrays this past weekend.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Getting ready to go
I've spent the last couple of days getting ready for a training in Colorado. Should I bring that book? Do I have room for a game? Do I really need that one shirt/skirt? Decisions that you would think I have down by now but I don't.
Getting ready also entailed reading a couple of books on missions and movement building. By far the book, I've enjoyed the most is an autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. I've been fascinated how he was able to mobilize a group of people and help everyone stay focused on the real issues and not side issues.
Not sure, I'm totally ready for this time of training. Pray that the Lord would prepare me physically, emotionally, and spiritually to minister and come alongside of our leaders.
Getting ready also entailed reading a couple of books on missions and movement building. By far the book, I've enjoyed the most is an autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. I've been fascinated how he was able to mobilize a group of people and help everyone stay focused on the real issues and not side issues.
Not sure, I'm totally ready for this time of training. Pray that the Lord would prepare me physically, emotionally, and spiritually to minister and come alongside of our leaders.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Grand Floral Parade

The Grand Floral Parade was today in Portland. It is similar to the Rose Parade for the Rose Bowl. Floats are all made out of organic materials. This picture is a from last year's parade but will give you an idea of what I saw. Unfortunately, this year it was a bit rainy and cold. I've never seen so many flowers in my life.
Angel and I went downtown early this morning. I wasn't looking forward to the crowds because all week on the news you heard of people taping their claim for a curbside view and how others were ripping up the tape.
However, Angel and I got a great spot to watch and it was worth it. It is one of those things that you just have to see once and although the weather wasn't great, you just never know when you'll be in town for the next parade.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Friends from out of town
In moments, I'll be going to breakfast with some friends. Matt and Donna Taylor live in Tennessee now, but I knew them from my hometown.
Mr. Taylor, it is hard for me to still call him Matt, was my middle school band teacher. I babysat their kids periodically (who are all now in college).
It will be good to catch up with them and hear how they enjoy Tennessee. More than anything, it is just nice to have visitors that have known you throughout different stages in life.
Mr. Taylor, it is hard for me to still call him Matt, was my middle school band teacher. I babysat their kids periodically (who are all now in college).
It will be good to catch up with them and hear how they enjoy Tennessee. More than anything, it is just nice to have visitors that have known you throughout different stages in life.
So, Bunko... pretty much you need no skill to play Bunko and it is a great game to get to know lots of people.
There are 3 die and all you do is roll them for a specific number. So round one, you are trying to rolls "1's" until someone hits the score of 21 times of getting that number. Round two, you want "2's" ... etc.
The biggest moment of the game is when all 3 die rolled have the number of the round... so 3 "1's" and you automatically get 21 points and everyone yells, "BUNKO!"
At the end of the game there are lots of prizes. I did not get any but I will say I know more people as a result of playing and it was fun.
There are 3 die and all you do is roll them for a specific number. So round one, you are trying to rolls "1's" until someone hits the score of 21 times of getting that number. Round two, you want "2's" ... etc.
The biggest moment of the game is when all 3 die rolled have the number of the round... so 3 "1's" and you automatically get 21 points and everyone yells, "BUNKO!"
At the end of the game there are lots of prizes. I did not get any but I will say I know more people as a result of playing and it was fun.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Bunko and the Portland Rose Festival
Tonight I'll be learning the ever-popular game Bunko. I'll have to tell you more about it after I've played. All I know is that there is dice involved and people get really excited.
In other news, I get to experience the Rose Festival this year. This is something that I keep hearing about all year long from residents here; however, last year I was on my way to San Diego so I missed it.
The next two weeks, I'll have plenty of opportunity to experience the events that I choose to go to. This weekend, I think I'm going to check out the Starlight parade.
In other news, I get to experience the Rose Festival this year. This is something that I keep hearing about all year long from residents here; however, last year I was on my way to San Diego so I missed it.
The next two weeks, I'll have plenty of opportunity to experience the events that I choose to go to. This weekend, I think I'm going to check out the Starlight parade.