Sunday, June 24, 2007


Going to church...

Today, I'm going to a Latino church in Fort Collins. One of the best parts of my travels is to experience several churches who have one thing in common and that is to worship God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

Sometimes, I confess I do struggle with having to figure out what church to go to; however, I have gained a greater understanding of the Body of Christ and how each "building" of believers expresses who Christ is in the context of the body of believers.

I am grateful that we are One Body in Christ.

I'm sure today, I may not understand everything in the sermon for it will all be in Spanish, but I'm looking forward to worshiping with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Ahhh, yes. We worshipped in Korean today! Hope you had a great time. :-)
we missed you at our church today! Building plans were announced as abandoned. It seemed wise. Sorry i haven't called you back yet. Talk to you soon-
wow Keri that sounds awesome! I too - No hablo espaniol...

funny - the word verification says smenita! is that a word?
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