Monday, April 30, 2007


PDX Leadership retreat

Saturday I headed to the Doubletree Hotel for the second weekend in a row. Last week was an event planned to help our 30+ interns know what they are doing next year. I enjoyed getting to know them. Some are going to East Asia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Croatia, and a myriad of other places. One team is going to Reno, Nevada and it is this team that I spent the most time with. I'm looking forward to spending more time with them in the future as we trust the Lord together to see the 24,000+ students have the opportunity to hear the gospel.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of being with 50 student leaders for our campuses in the Portland Metro area. It was fun to hear their heart and see their willingness to proclaim Christ in their words and deeds. I gave a talk on living out your faith in the midst of this world and what does it look like to have a personal ministry.

Was able to converse with 6 students at length from Portland State, University of Portland, and Lewis and Clark specifically. They continually remind me of why I do what I do and I am blessed.

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